Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that can cause significant pain and can lead to immobility of the wrists. It’s a common condition that may lead to numbness, tingling in the hands or arm, and cause damage to a range of motion.
Often, carpal tunnel syndrome worsens over time, but minimizing the risk now may be possible. Understanding this condition, why it happens, and how to get relief may help you improve your quality of life.
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome develops due to pressure placed on the median nerve. This nerve runs through a narrow passageway, called the carpal tunnel, in the wrist and into the hand. There are bones and ligaments surrounding this passageway, which typically work to provide protection and support to the nerves. In some, compression of the passage occurs, affecting the nerves within it.
What Are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms?
Initially, you may not notice significant pain or discomfort. Most people feel tingling and numbness in the affected hand. This may extend from the thumb to the ring finger.
Weakness may also develop. That means you may have trouble holding onto an item, or something may randomly fall out of your hand.
Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Any compression of the median nerve can bring on these types of symptoms. The nerve runs from the forearm through the passageway of the wrist and into the hand.
Any damage to this nerve in this area can also contribute to these symptoms. Any damage to the carpal tunnel itself can cause the onset of this condition. This may be brought on by:
- A wrist fracture
- Repetitive actions of the wrist
- Narrowing brought on by swelling or inflammation such as from rheumatoid arthritis
In some cases, it’s impossible to know the underlying cause. It may develop slowly over time, making a cause challenging to pinpoint.
Carpal Tunnel Wrist Supports
Finding relief for carpal tunnel syndrome is often a necessary step. Though some people may need progressively more advanced care, it may be possible to get relief if you use carpal tunnel wrist supports. These supports work to stabilize the carpal tunnel, making it harder, if not impossible, to bend and move the wrist. Doing this helps to minimize the pressure being placed on the median nerve.
Using a carpal tunnel syndrome wrist splint provides immobilization of the wrist. This wrist support may not cure the condition, but it may reduce the pain present.
Select the right side (left or right hand) when choosing wrist support for carpal tunnel syndrome. Be sure that it has a flat supportive design that lays flat against the wrist on the palm side.
These supports also typically have wrap-around Velcro to help them stay in place. Keep it snug for the best results. Breathable materials tend to be critical here, too.
Doctors may offer other treatment options, including medications to reduce swelling and inflammation. Over time, if the carpal tunnel becomes too narrow, a surgical procedure may be necessary.
Simply Medical has all the carpal tunnel syndrome supplies you need. Check it out today!